About Us

Founded in 2006, Inception of concept for dwelling the energetic human resource together took place in 2009 as a complete structural management firm.
QnS started its journey by Dr Qasim Latif as a solo consultant, utilizing his extensive experience in the field of healthcare management services.
Later as it grew into organization multi-blended experts were hired for better innovation in the field of management.
QnS profile flourished into all domains and experts made this journey possible. QnS is an independent organization where we partner with our clients to expand their business potential by providing customized long term and short term solutions.
As believing in delivering to the clients in our best capacity our philosophy is CLIENT CENTRIC based.
QNS is a one-stop-shop for management services. Strategic positioning of highly skilled consultants for the client is allocated for best practices, enabling QnS to be a unique organization to deliver services in multi-dimensional areas of any organization.
QNS offers state of the art services not only in human resources and recruitment. However, Also offer services in marketing analysis, feasibility reports, marketing, IT services, global business solutions, business development assessments and project development to various industries keep healthcare as our primary industry.
More than one decade journey QnS has not only catered to industries in the MENA region but also managed international recognition by covering the United Kingdom, Denmark, Pakistan and having its presence in these regions.
As believing in delivering to the clients in our best capacity our philosophy is CLIENT CENTRIC based.

Our goal is to ensure the delivery of projects and the provision of services in a manner that exceeds the expectations of our clients. Our standards are those that amplify perfection and turn the seemingly impossible deliverables into comfortable real-life examples.

We always look forward to adapting to changes that matter and make our services quality-laden. At QnS, you will find a group of diversified experiences committed to doing nothing but the best for you in each service that is being offered. We give you the confidence to undertake risk and embrace complication as a challenge that is destined to reap success. Along with our clients, our open-ended service domain provides enough room for capitalizing on opportunities optimal for making success certain.